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Remote Learning PE Challenges

PE weekly challenge

Have you got what it takes to beat Mr Linday's score?

Each week there will be a PE challenge set by Mr. Lindsay for you to have a go at.

Record your attempts to beat him and send upload it to your teachers on Seesaw.

On Tuesday's have a first go and then see if you can improve your score on a Thursday.

I can't wait to see how you get on with the challenge!

Challenge 3

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Challenge 2

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Mr Lindsay's PE challenge 1

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2.6 Challenge

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Year 6
This is your 2.6 Challenge invite. I challenge you to record yourself doing an activity 26 times, 26 minutes or 2.6 seconds. The choice is yours. You could do 26 star jumps, 26 kick ups or dance for 26 seconds. Be creative, get moving and have fun! Post your response on Seesaw and we will share some of your exciting posts with the class.
Good luck!
Mrs Southey