Mrs Lawmon - Class Teacher (Hollis)
Miss Ballard - Class Teacher (Delta)
Mrs Webb - Class Teacher (Delta - Wednesday & Thursday)
Mrs Kaur - Teaching Assistant
Mr Lindsay - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sagoo - PPA Cover Teacher (Hollis - Wednesday morning)
Mrs Dyer - PPA Cover Teacher (Hollis - Wednesday afternoon)
Live Lessons
The BBC have put together some live lessons that are really good! If you are isolating they are great to use.
Here is a link:
Reading Resources
We are in the process of making sure your child has a reading book matched to their stage. In the meantime, can you please read with your child at least 3 times per week and mark on their reading tracker. For this they will get Dojo points!
There are some excellent quality e-books on:
We use these in school and they are free, you just need to make an account.