Home Page

Hollis and Delta



Mrs Lawmon - Class Teacher (Hollis)

Miss Ballard - Class Teacher (Delta)

Mrs Webb  - Class Teacher (Delta - Wednesday & Thursday)


Mrs Kaur - Teaching Assistant

Mr Lindsay - Teaching Assistant


Mrs Sagoo - PPA Cover Teacher (Hollis - Wednesday morning)

Mrs Dyer - PPA Cover Teacher (Hollis - Wednesday afternoon)



Artwork inspired by our book Here We Are

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Due to the current situation unfortunately we haven’t been able to invite you into school to see all of amazing artwork we have created across school this year so we thought we’d upload a short video of what has been produced for you to see as well as some photos of what we’ve been getting up to in Year 3!

Our amazing Year 3/4 corridor

Graffiti art

Star poems

The Year 3 Team!

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A tour of Hollis Classroom

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A tour of Delta Classroom

Still image for this video

Information about Year 3

Still image for this video

For any children self isolating at home we have prepared these activities for your child to complete at home

Live Lessons


The BBC have put together some live lessons that are really good! If you are isolating they are great to use.


Here is a link:

Reading Resources

We are in the process of making sure your child has a reading book matched to their stage. In the meantime, can you please read with your child at least 3 times per week and mark on their reading tracker. For this they will get Dojo points!

There are some excellent quality e-books on:


We use these in school and they are free, you just need to make an account.
