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Rosetta and Cairo



This week you will be researching and creating your own fact file about the Norman way of life after 1066.

Your research will lead you to finding the answers to the questions below:

Where did the Normans eat their magnificent banquets?

What did the Normans eat?

What did they eat with?

What did they do with their leisure time?


Don't forget to post your fact file on Seesaw!


1066 Norman Helmet Project


This week our curriculum work is project based, so check out the information.

You  can also use Mrs. Ahktar's instructions to help you if you wish.

Have fun making your own Norman helmet and don't forget to post your results on Seesaw!



Welcome to Cairo and Rosetta


Miss Corcoran - Class Teacher (Cairo)

Mrs Foster - Class Teacher (Rosetta)


Miss Akhtar - Teaching Assistant

Miss Jackson - Teaching Assistant 




Hello everyone in Year 5!


We know that it is an usual start to 2021, but we still have lots of exciting learning for you.  Each day the Year 5 Team will up-load lots of great video lessons for you.

In English we will be working on our theme of Heroes and Villains.

In curriculum we will be studying the events leading up to and including the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

We will also be uploading spelling videos and maths and Vipers videos, so that you can work along side the children who are working in class.

There will also be lots of fun activities, such as a weekly art competition run by Miss Akhtar and Miss Jackson will be reading a selection of stories each week to keep you entertained!

If you haven't already picked up your Learning Packs, then please do as these include the learning booklets and the Seesaw logins.

If you are having problems accessing Seesaw, or you have questions about the work, then please contact the class teachers via class Dojo.  

Many thanks for all your hard work and on-going support.

Keep safe and keep smiling!

The Year 5 Team

Year 5’s Here We Are Sculpture - The future of our world is in this classroom

As part of our learning around the book Here We Are, each year group create a sculpture which reflected their learning. In year 5 each child painted their own rock which came together to make the world. 

Nature in Art - We visited our Wild Area to create these pictures

In the book, Oliver Jeffers says 'We may all look different, act different and sound different... but don't be fouled, we are all people.'

Key Information


  • PE day is Wednesday. Come in appropriate P.E kit. 
  • Read every day at home and complete reading tracker.
  • Spend 10 minutes every evening on Times Table Rockstar. Look out for battles between Cairo and Rosetta.


A tour of Rosetta classroom

Still image for this video

Part 2

Still image for this video

Tour of Cairo classroom

Still image for this video

Part 2

Still image for this video