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Palm and Pearson Class

Welcome to Palm and Pearson Class!


Palm Class 

Miss Wood (Teacher)

Mrs Kaur (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Stanko will PPA Cover Teacher on Monday and Friday mornings


Pearson Class:

 Mrs McGuinness (Teacher on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

Mrs Herbert (Teacher on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Mrs Kaur (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Stanko will be PPA Cover Teacher on Wednesday mornings






Wow what an amazing first week back! We have loved getting to know you all.

We know a lot has changed but we are so proud of each and every one of you and your parents. We have had to make school safe with some new changes but we have made sure our Unit is still a fun, happy and exciting learning environment for you all.

Thank you for all attending every day and being on time. 

This week we have been learning all about The Gruffalo and the children have enjoyed looking at the strawberries in the curiosity cube.

We have also put a bedtime story in your book bags for you to share with your parents, these will be changed every Wednesday and the reading books will be changed on a Monday. We will also be practising writing our names and having a go at Dough Disco! 

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week for another fabulous week!

Hello from Mrs McGuinness

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Hello from Mrs Herbert

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Hello from Miss Wood

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A quick tour of our Unit!

We are now going to share some important information about Palm and Pearson class.

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Useful websites:

Maths and Phonics games:
