Year 1 Team
Miss Ahmed Miss Keuneke
( Elton Class Teacher) (Albany Class Teacher)
Miss Makings Miss Smith
(Teaching Assistant) (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Rippon
(PPA Cover Teacher)
Spring 2
Welcome back from the lovely holidays. The children have settled in well and are excited to find out all about the new half term. This term our overall theme continues to be 'Let's be street detectives'. The focus for this unit will be based on our local area and we will have a look at our school more closely. This time the children will be eco-warriors and architects. They will plan and create changes to our school and Year One outdoor environment.
The children will also be learning about religious celebrations. We will be looking at how weddings are celebrated in different religions. If you have any wedding day pictures then please send them in with your child to share with the rest of the class!
We will be doing P.E. on Wednesday's. Please make sure that your child has a P.E. kit that they can change into. We are happy for the children to leave their P.E. kit at school.
We encourage you to read with your children at home to win one of our RED TED bears and accessories. Please write in your child's reading record each time you do. We also ask that your child has their book bag with them every day. Your child's reading diary will now have a reading level tracker. This will help you to know more about their book level and the reading skills they should be familiar with.
Don't Forget
Keep a look out for our homework menu's and newsletters which will keep you up to date with what we are learning this term. Please bring in any work that your child has done so this can be shared with the rest of the class.
Dates for your diary
World Book Week - starts on Monday 27th February 2017.
Dress up day Thursday 2nd March 2017.
If you have any concerns or problems, or equally joys, you would like to share with us, please just come along and talk.
The Year 1 Team