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Class Alma and Falcon

Welcome to Year 3


Who you will meet:


Miss Jackson - Deputy Head and PPA teacher (Tuesday in Falcon and Thursday in Alma)

Miss Hill - Alma Class Teacher (Alma)

Mr Brothwood - Falcon Class Teacher Teacher (Falcon)

Miss Potter - Falcon Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mould - Alma Teaching Assistant


This term we will be swimming on Thursday. The coach to the swimming pool will leave at 9.00 am so make sure that your child is here on time with their swimming kit. 


Summer Term 1 in Year 3


Welcome back. We hope that you all had a fantastic Easter break. We had a great last term and we hope to continue that this term. We have a very busy term to look forward to. We have already sent home the newsletter and homework menu for this term. We really do encourage you to support your child in completing some of the homework activities. 


This term we will be looking at explanations and also stories from around the world in English. We will be designing our own machine and explaining how it works. 


In Maths we will be looking at working out three digit addition and subtraction sums mentally, learning about the perimeter of shapes, and solving problems with money.


Our Topic for this term is 'Indian Spice' where we will be looking at the geographical features of India. We will also be having a go at creating our own Indian artwork.



Spring Term 2 in Year 3


In English this term we looked at the books by Anthony Browne. In Maths we looked at Multiplication and Division, Time and also money. In Topic this term we found out how we could get more people to visit Nottingham. 



Spring Term 1 in Year 3


In English this term we learnt all about dreams and how to recall stories. We will looked at Haikus and even wrote our own!


Our Topic for this term was called 'From Snottingham to Nottingham' where we looked at the history of Nottingham. We took a trip to Nottingham Caves where not only did we get to look around the caves but got to find out lots of information about rocks.

We also looked at the art work of Georgia O'Keefe and produced some fantastic paintings of our own. 




In English this term we learnt all about dreams and how to recall stories. We will also be looking at haikus. 


In Maths we will be starting by looking at division fractions and sequencing. 


Our Topic for this term is called 'From Snottingham to Nottingham' where we will be looking at the history of Nottingham. We will also be looking at the art work of Georgia O'Keefe and producing some paintings of our own. 


In Science we will be looking at rocks and fossils and experimenting to find out how we can tell different types of rocks apart. 


We are looking forward to a very busy and exciting term. 


Autumn Term 2 in Year 3


Thank you for all the support that you gave us this term. We had a really successful term with the children making dens outside, learning about adventure stories and learning about the human body. 



We also had a lot of fun preparing and performing in our Christmas performance. Thank you all for coming along to watch this.





Autumn Term 1 in Year 3


Welcome to Year 3. All the children made a fantastic start to the new school year. 


Our Topic for this term was  'May the Force be with You'. We found about about different forces and we made some fantastic marble runs. 









We also celebrated Roald Dahl Day. We learnt all about Roald Dahl, taste-tested sweets, and got to watch a live show all about Roald Dahl. 





We had a fantastic day celebrating 'International Day' where we learnt all about different places and cultures from around the world and got to try some delicious food too!



